How to Build a Good Web PagešŸ’»

Sharissa Kuurstra
4 min readMay 19, 2021


Building a website is NOT easy. There are loads of things you have to deal with, such as design, copy, SEOĀ (searchĀ engineĀ optimisation). These factors have to draw your visitorsā€™ attention and keep them hooked. They should invite your visitors to read the next line, look at the next content block, or click on the CallĀ ToĀ ActionĀ (CTA).

So, how to build a good web page?

People donā€™t like reading and have a short attention span. Itā€™s thus important to keep it short, be clear and come to the point. Avoid using filler words, such as just, really, very.

If something can be explained in a visual, then do it. It much easier for our brain to understand visual compared to textual information. Also, let your CTA stand out by using contrasting colours. This makes it easier for your visitors to find your CTA and get started.

Letā€™s look at an example.

In my opinion, HubSpot has a great home page (composition-wise). It clearly shows who they are, what they do, and how they can make the lives of their customers better and easier.āœØ

Navigator and header

The navigator (on top of the page) guides you through the website. I always prefer not too many options and a dropdown menu. This way, you create a calm but clear path through the website. As you can see, HubSpot only has three options of which two have a dropdown menu and they added a CTA to trigger their visitors.

The header is key in drawing your visitorsā€™ attention and should contain your Unique Value Proposition. Whatā€™s the best thing youā€™ve got to offer that makes your customersā€™ lives easier? Itā€™s the thing that makes your visitors want to continue reading or click on the CTA right away.

Homepage of the company HubSpot
Retrieved from

Problem and solutions

Next up, what are your potential customers struggling with and how can your product or service help them overcome these struggles? In this part, Hubspot clearly shows how each of their ā€˜Hubsā€™ can help customers with specific challenges.

For example, with their Marketing Hub, they help you grow traffic, convert more visitors, and run complete marketing campaigns. They show their key features and a CTA to get started immediately.

Part of the homepage of the company HubSpot where they show how their solutions can help customers tackle specific challenges.
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Why should someone become a customer? Itā€™s important to show your visitors what they will benefit from when buying your product or making use of your service. Showing numbers is a great strategy to get peopleā€™s attention and arouse interest.šŸ‘

HubSpot perfectly does this by displaying its benefits in numbers. Join over 150 user groups or follow free courses that will turn you into a certified professional. They ensure that they are in it for their customers and that their customers donā€™t have to do it alone.

Benefits of becoming a HubSpot customer as displayed on their website
Retrieved from

Call To Action

Last, but not least, trigger your visitors again to buy your product, create an account, subscribe, whatever your CTA is. Some websites choose to add a ā€˜contact usā€™ section for when visitors have any additional questions, others have a chatbot installed.

HubSpot first mentions some of their customers which are, of course, internationally well-known businesses. Itā€™s a psychological trigger for the visitors that makes them want to be part of that group of HubSpot customers. Next, they invite their visitors again to get started with HubSpot for free.

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This is just one example of a good web page. Or well, in my opinion, itā€™s a good web page. Iā€™m sure there are many more pages that might be composed differently but can also be considered as good web pages.

Most important is to clearly show how your product/service can help your customers šŸ‘‰ solve their problems, tackle their challenges, fulfil their wishes, or meet their needs.

GOOD LUCK! If you have any questions or just want to chat about marketing, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter.


Your Favourite Content Warrior ā€” SharissašŸ”„



Sharissa Kuurstra

šŸ’„ Content Warrior šŸ”„ Online Marketer šŸ« Chocolate Addict šŸ• Pizza Lover šŸ‰ Rugby Player šŸ¶ Proud Dog Owner šŸ‡³šŸ‡± Dutch